Looking After A Money Plant

Looking After A Jade Plant

Looking after a jade plant, money plant or Crassula ovata is fairly easy. The best place to grow a jade plant is in a bright area of your home but it doesn’t really like full bright sun the whole day. It can cope with a few hours of direct sunlight but it doesn’t like a whole day of full direct sunlight.
  • Water the jade plant when the dry. You have to avoid over-watering your jade plant as the roots can start rotting. Only in hot weather you might need to water once a week.
  • It’s a good idea to spray the jade plant every week with some water as this helps remove dust from the leaves.
  • Jade plants do like to be root-bound, which means if the pot it’s planted in is too big it will take a little while until it feels the boundaries of the pot and then it will grow more strongly.
  • Every few years you can change this compost from the plant. Pull the plant out of the pot and remove as much loose compost as possible. Fill the pot up with some compost and put the root-ball back into the pot fill around with compost. Make sure the root is secure by pushing the compost down firmly around the root-ball.
  • As the plant grows and becomes bigger you can plant it in a bigger pot. This will allow the plant to become bigger.
Click here to discover how to look after your jade plant - I've written an ebook on how to best look after your plants.Click below to order it.

FAQ Jade Plants Q. Why are the leaves turning yellow and falling off? A. You are over-watering the plant. It’s best to let the soil almost dry out before watering the jade plant again.  

Q. Why does one of my jade plants grow well and my other one doesn’t? A. Are they in the same room? Does the temperature in your house vary? Jade plants like warmth they don’t like cold very much. Put your jade plant that isn’t doing so well in a warmer room and I’m sure it will start doing better.  

Q. My jade plant has some white fluffy stuff on it. It’s worse around the base of the leaves. A. It's most probably a Mealy Bug, the easiest way to remove them is using Q tips – dip these in pure alcohol. Repeat this treatment every few days – until there is no sign of them anymore.  

Q. How do I get my jade plant to flower? A. To encourage your jade plant to flower you need to withhold watering throughout the winter months. Many people stop watering the plant around the time of the first frost. If this dry phase continues for quite a few weeks and is then followed by watering, this then encourages the plant to produce flowers. The jade plants health is also important for it to encourage flowering.

Click here to discover how to look after your jade plant - I've written an ebook on how to best look after your plants.Click below to order it. After checkout you'll be taken straight to the download page.